Family Resources Page
Raising a family is hard work. Simply making sure that our children are fed, clothed and safe is stressful and difficult enough, and yet we know that parenting is so much more than that. God has asked us as parents to shepherd our children, their hearts and their emotions, and He has ordained the family unit as the primary place of spiritual growth and learning.
We hope that on this site you will find resources to help you as seek to nurture and raise your kids. Here you will find articles on a range of different parenting topics, teachings on parenting, recommended reading materials, and devotional materials that you can do as a family at home.
Over the years we have accumulated a number of written resources that we think are valuable and worth sharing with the Church.
You will find articles on obedience, prayer, sinfulness, and host more that all relate to parenting. We hope that they bless you and your family