Message from Pastor Gil Trusty
To each and every one of the Single Adults who have attended or will attend Prime Time in the future – YOU MATTER!
Because of this resounding fact, I am prayerfully and earnestly evaluating how we might bless and serve the demographic of various ages that compose our single adult community at Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia. This includes meeting with, praying with, and listening to various individuals and small groups within that community with the goal in focus of better serving, supporting, engaging, and equipping the single community here at Calvary Philly. With that focus, Lord willing, we will resume gathering for study, activity, and service during the month of March 2024. If you have any input, questions, concerns or a willingness to serve in the Singles ministry-please email me at
Adult singles gathering, getting to know one another, and growing together in a Christ-Centered Community that together we
- Learn & Love Jesus Completely (Up-REACH)
- Learn Who We Are in Christ as His Sons or Daughters so we Love Ourselves Correctly (In-REACH)
- Learn that We are 4EVER Family in Jesus so we Love Each Other & Our Neighbors Compassionately (Out-REACH)